During your beauty-wellness researches, you must have noticed that there are thousands of products that emulate the “sea”: like for example sea-salt based products (scrubs, cleansers, body or face masks), or alga-based ones, with miraculous anti-cellulite or hydrating effects. Well, then imagine how many benefits you can get from a centre specialized in thalassotherapy. It’s not a bad thing, don’t worry. Relax and beauty, with no effort.


Last winter I visited two different centres and I can guarantee that the results are amazing, to say the least. For example, did you know that it’s even possible to get thinner, thanks to sea water? Watermod, in its several different methods, is a therapy based on sea water and essential oils, that will both help you lose weight and defeat cellulite: skin is treated with a particular tool, the palper-rouler, that massages you with a roll under a sea-water stream. Just great.


Another amazing experience could be hydro-massaging baths with algae extracts, that will relax (I swear it’s true) and revitalize your body. Usually, in these centres you can choose among thousands of different bath tubs full of warm sea water, each with different features and functions, such as toning hydro-massager or vascular gym, that is based on the warm-cold effect. Moreover, essential oils scrubs, massages no-stop, and, most of all, my favourite treatment ever: the blanket. You will be covered in muds and then wrapped up in a blanket made of warm water: high temperature will help your skin absorb muds’ active principles. And in the meanwhile, you’ll be sleeping and dreaming.


One of the first centres to ever propose thalassotherapy in Europe was Thalassa Quiberon, on the Britons cliffs, recently restructured with a modern and comfortable architecture. Definitely worth a visit, and a try.


Instead, if you prefer an Italian destination, here’s two possibilities perfect for you: Kalidria Resort in Castellaneta Marina (Puglia), one of the biggest thalassotherapy institutes in Europe, just a few miles away from the beach. White and light blue shades, phlebologic sea-water trails with streams of water that massage your body from head to toe.


Finally, for the most romantic of you, in Calabria you can find Capovaticano Resort Thalasso & Spa,, with view on the Stromboli vulcan. Here you can try the Thalasso Experience: half-pension stay, free entry to sea pools and to the moist area, a 30-minute long massage (all for 149 euros/person per night). Make yourself this gift, you’ll never stop thanking me.

