There’s a new trend that I believe is important we talk about. And it belongs to a world that has rarely, almost never, grabbed my attention: the world of tattoos. I hate too noticeable ones. On the other side, I don’t even like too small ones as they look useless to me. Flowers are nice, I’m often captured by those wonderful colours… but then you see them a few years later and they’re completely faded! Just a second and they loose their beauty. Well, I’ve always thought tattoos just weren’t my cup of tea. That was until I found out the wonderful single line tattoos.

I’m talking about a very particular technique, with an even more particular effect: it was invented by an Iranian artist, Mo Ganji, who lives in Berlin. His aim was that of creating drawings with a strong impact and with a deep and easy to understand meaning, but consisting of super minimal lines, made with even more minimal tools. Thus he made up the single line tattoo, which in a very short time has conquered the world (even me) becoming the moment’s biggest trend.

These are such thin and elegant tattoos that they look like tiny water trickles on your skin. A hummingbird drawn on the wrist, maybe matched with a thin bracelet or with a Swarovski watch, is just the end of the world.

What’s nice about them is that they appear light, but actually, as tattoo artists explain, they require a lot of precision and, often, a lot of needles. Even a simple word made of four letters may take hours to be finished. Not that this can dissuade us: single line tattoos are getting very popular, mostly among the young, who have a natural talent for following the most interesting new trends. Furthermore, I noticed that new line tattoos are starting to appear on catwalks too. Très chic.

