Girls, today I don’t want to talk to you about the rules you need to follow for a perfect outfit, but about those you mustn’t follow. That’s a bit old-fashioned way to deal with fashion, if you think about it. Our grandmas and mothers, who are very confident with their style, often have a clearer idea about what shouldn’t be worn, about colours that shouldn’t be paired, and so on. Well, today I want to do exactingly what they do, starting exactly from one of their main taboos. Rules have changed, it’s about time we admitted it. For example: black and blue. How many times have you been told that you should never pair these two colours? Well, nowadays if you give a look at fashion shows and street style shoots, you’ll notice this rule is definitely out of fashion.

The first one who demolished it was Yves Saint Laurent, who thought this chromatic match was super-refined. The same goes for red and pink. Strong, disorienting and yet very theatrical, like Emmanuel Ungaro proved. And be careful, the effect won’t necessarily be too girly, mostly if you use vivid hues, like cherry red with confetti pink or magenta.

Among old chromatic taboos, one is still totally valid: blue and brown. Believe my motto: blue and brown will make you lose your crown. What about the famous rule according to which white can only be worn after work? This has been abolished too, and actually it’s a choice I consider very interesting. Total white looks are very frequent, both for the day-time and for spare time, perfect fro any season, even in winter (mostly in winter).

The same goes with sneakers: once they could only be worn out of the office. Now it’s fashionable to pair them with your tailleur, mini or midi skirts or even a long dress.

Better if they’re white or mono-coloured, as it’s easier to avoid inelegant mistakes. We could go on a lot: t-shirts only on casual occasions and sequins and metal only after sunset? Wrong! As regards the t-shirt, super-wrong! What’s classier than a monochromatic t-shirt under a cool jacket or to loosen up a tailleur? Even with pumps the effect is great.

Thus, many might look elements are invading casual style. The principle is the same: being funny, transgressive and smart. You could wear, for example, a nice sequined top on a nice pair of jeans (better if trashed) or a pair of metallic décolleté under a masculine blazer. J’adore. Moreover I love military pattern (that used to be out of fashion), even after 25. A military shirt, a parka jacket or amphibian boots are pieces than can totally revolution your outfit in just one step.

Forget also the famous rule “shoes and bag always in the same colour”. Not at all! Maybe you can play with colours matching, for example, pastel green with cornflower blue, or fluorescent yellow with shocking pink. Once it would have been crazy. There’s one more rule we thought would have never changed (admit it): socks and stockings only with closed shoes. Today there’s a new seasonal must-have: stockings even with sandals or peep-toe shoes. Finally, remember that in 2017 sweaters, trousers and jackets are cooler if oversized!
