Today I want to talk to you about one of the coolest diets at the moment. It is not an actual regime, but more of an alimentary philosophy. I’ve been following it for three months and now I’m ready to share it with you, because it’s working and it’s also original. It was created by the celebs’ pharmacist Alberico Lemme: if you manage to pick up the pace, this diet will allow you to lose up to 10 kg in a month (Briatore lost even 17 kilos!). Here’s the fundamental rules: this diet is not based on the typical count of calories, but instead on the glycemic value of dishes, that are divided into two categories: allowed and absolutely forbidden.


The starting point is a test to be taken in Lemme’s study (in Desio), after which he will prepare your personal menu and you’ll start you monthly checks. First phase of the diet: this is the period when you’ll be loosing weight, so its length depends on how many kilos you need to lose. During this phase the contact with Lemme should be constant: depending on the achieved results he will keep on creating new menus for the following days. Forbidden foods: sugar, sweeteners, vinegar, bread, milk and dairy products, salt, even in the water to prepare pasta, because it would raise the glycemic value of your meals. Fruit and vegetables. Moreover it’s forbidden to pair pasta and meat, proteins and carbs, even during the same day.


Allowed food: pasta, meat and fish. Coffee and tea are allows and they are even considered to produce those hormones (like adrenaline) that fighting the effects of insulin e help you lose weight. Lemon is considered a good tool to burn fat. Water, even sparkling (great news for me). Extra virgin oil, chilli pepper and black pepper, parsley, garlic, lemon, sage, rosemary, basil, thyme, onion and bran as dressing. Every kind of cooking is allowed, even fried (yay!). A typical menu offers: pasta and carbs for breakfast and proteins for lunch and dinner. Be careful: the time table is fundamental, because the diet is based on the insulin effects, therefore you need to have breakfast by 9.30AM, lunch between 12 and 2PM, dinner between 7 and 9PM. Moreover a small break, with tea and lemon, is permitted between 10 and 11 AM and between 4 and 5 PM. Second phase: alimentary education. It lasts for three months and is aimed at keeping the scored result thanks to the introduction of meals that used to be abolished, in order to reach a perfect hormonal balance. By this point, you should have reached a high level of alimentary conscience and should know and understand the alimentary processes. During this phase we consider the glycemic value and the time at which you eat, but not the caloric value. If you try it, let me know! 🙂
