Some of you must have heard about Johnny G, the fitness guru who, in the 80’s, invented spinning, a training program that in just a couple of years has become an international philosophy and has wholly changed our concept of physical state. Well, you should know that Johnny G has just had another great idea. I’m talking about In-Trinity, a training system based on a new tool that allows you to work out even defying gravity.


Its function is simple: stretching, stretching, stretching… but while working upon a strength that until today has been a bit underestimated (at least by me!): your inner strength. How do you develop that? Through slow movements, harmony and concentration. Easy to say? Maybe even to do. Johnny B created a tool that aims at developing a total balance between your body and mind. The In-Trinity board is a hourglass-shaped inclined platform that lets you stretch not only on the horizontal plane, but also the vertical one, allowing access to negative space. Therefore, it’s possible to work out both according to gravity and against it, which helps the progression of movements.


It is proved that when you do exercises on an oblique plane the muscles of your thigh, your quads, your gluteus and your calves work much harder. Of course, for a perfect result, you’ll need concentration. Your mind and body need to cooperate and this necessity stimulates, through work-out, your perception of yourself.


As a matter of fact Johnny B is strongly inspired by almost mystical concepts about gym, and they say he had the inspiration for In-Trinity in Brazil, while stretching out on the bank of a river… He offers an infinite number of exercise: it’s not just yoga, pilates and martial arts, but it’s a sequence of movements that will let you feel your body and improve your flexibility, resistance, balance and inner energy. In-Trinity has just arrived in Rome and Milan and it’s possible to learn to best use the board thanks to some courses, such as the In-Trinity Studio (lesson with 2 participants) or the In-Trinity Center (lesson with 5 participants) Otherwise you can simply ask a professional and qualified personal trainer. I’ve already booked my lesson!
