
For those of you who, like me, are always travelling, even your suitcase needs to be unique. So it’s better if it’s soft, comfortable, suitable for frequent and fast movements and most of all signed (by me!). It was the idea of owning an unique object that pushed me to buy a bag by My Style Bags. This brand from Milan is specialized in the creation and production of bags and accessories and stands out for the quality of its products, that are all made in Italy. What mostly fascinates clients, though, is this brand’s embroidery. All products are either made of canvas, leather, suede or nylon and the prices are pretty affordable when compared to the great quality of the materials. Of course, it wasn’t easy to choose among 28 models the one that would mostly represent my style, mostly because each bag has its particular asset. Eventually I was conquered by a model from the new collection and I surely didn’t regret my choice. And of course having my initials embroidered on the bag was the cherry on top! My next purchase will be The Scent of Woman! One must admit, with My Style Bags your personality is the main character!